One-on-one discipleship takes into consideration the personality and history of a person, for unique personalities, histories, and experiences all lead to very different perspectives.
Personality is our God-given makeup of the blend of thinker, doer, and feeler. History is what happened in our lives from birth until now. By looking at the two together, it is easier to see why we act and respond the way we do. Knowledge, however, is only half the battle, for without power it does not give freedom.
Discipleship rarely tells someone something he does not already know, but rather gives words to something to help make it clear and useful in real life. The power is in Jesus, but too often that can be hidden by one’s twisted concepts of God, legalism, or pride. Working through these things helps the disciple of Christ see the freedom that comes from admitting where he is at to smooth the way toward seeing Jesus as the only way out.
All the power in Jesus is at the disposal of believers, and the only way to live the Christian life is through that power. We have it but often fail to recognize and access it. We will never have all the answers, but we have the Way to the answer, Jesus.